Termos (http://alioth.debian.org/~lamby-guest/live-manual/html/meta.html#terms)
Live system

An operating system that can boot without installation to a hard drive. Live systems does not alter operating systems or files already installed on the computer hard drive unless instructed to do so. Live systems are typically booted from CD or DVD media as well as USB sticks and via netboot.

Debian Live

The Debian sub-project which maintains the live-helper and live-initramfs utilities.

Debian Live system

A Debian Live system is a live system that uses software from the Debian operating system.

Build system / host system

The environment used to create the live system.


A collection of scripts used to build customised Debian Live systems.


A collection of scripts used to boot live systems. live-initramfs is a fork of casper by Canonical, Ltd.


The former name of live-initramfs.

Criação de imagem do Live-CD

Lenny: nova versão estável do Debian, em substituição ao Etch, o 5.0. O instalador chama-se Debian-Installer

Requisitos para a criação:

  1. Super user (root) access

  2. An up-to-date version of live-helper

  3. A POSIX-compliant shell, such as bash or dash.

  4. debootstrap or cdebootstrap

  5. Linux 2.6.x

Passos e obstáculos na instalação do live-helper

Problemas de chave pública devido ao repositório do backport.org. Solução:

# wget -O - http://backports.org/debian/archive.key | apt-key add -


Problemas na instalação do cdebootstrap. Problemas de dependencias:

cdebootstrap: Depende: libdebian-installer-extra4 (>= 0.29) mas não está instalável
Depende: libdebian-installer4 (>= 0.29) mas não está instaláve

* lh_config adicionado os pacotes ices2, icacast2, icecast-server

* Arquivos musicais postos em:

foi criada a pasta "home" em config/chroot_local-includes...e depois postos os arquivos na pasta criada.

* Criada a imagem: binary.iso

* rodar com o virtualbox (apresentou erro)

* instalei o qemu

deb http://debian.pop-sc.rnp.br/debian/ etch main

1 - testando no qemu

qemu -cdrom binary.iso

para criar senha de root: sudo passwd root

a rádio rodou na MV utilizando o Qemu.

* ok

2 - testando no virtualbox

aptitude install virtualbox-ose (Open Source)


The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.
Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and
load the module named vboxdrv into your system.

You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.
Qt WARNING: VirtualBox? : cannot connect to X server

-- FabricioSantana - 24 Sep 2008

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